Friday, June 25, 2010

I can't believe this is week 10 already, but I'm so glad it is!!! I need a week off to study for my insurance test, which is my new job venture. I'm going to work like 12-15 hours a week, so hopefully that will help our family financially *praying* :) I started my new job venture at the end of May, but with school, and all my other mother responsibilities I haven't had a chance to really dig in and study for my certification exam... so wish me luck ;)

I have learned a lot from this class. Thanks for the u-tube link to help me set up my paper, that really helped a lot, and it looks so nice now! ;) But thank you mostly for your patience with me. Procrastination is still my enemy, but I have kicked it's butt!!! :)

I will take my knowledge from this class and move forward with school, and continue to improve my composition skills with every paper I write!

Thanks again for everything!

Friday, June 18, 2010

So this is my final blog for this class.... I have really enjoyed this part of the class, but I've never figured out how to respond to anyone else's blogs... but I'll keep trying.

I'm working hard this weekend on my final paper, for this class, and my final paper for A&P. I haven't received any feedback from my paper, but that is my own fault for turning it in late :( So I'm having my friends read it and give me feedback. The thing I'm most worried about is that I'm having a hard time filling the required pages. Am I able to add personal experiences to my paper? I did a little in my rough draft, but I could add a lot more!

I have really enjoyed this class, but the final paper scares me, and when something scares me I procrastinate. I will not procrastinate this week! I will get all my work done, and at the best of my ability!!!! Sorry a little cheer leading and positive thinking got thrown in there! ;)

I do believe I'm a better writer now... which is probably the point of composition... but I think the thing I have learned the most is the APA format, and just the general layout of a paper. These things will help me the most in the rest of my schooling, and as I help my children with their studies. ;)

Thanks for everything!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My husband is the chicken on this float! LOL... I'm driving the van behind it, but you can't see me, thank God ;)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Unit 8's blog

Well I finally did it... I submitted my rough draft... it was kind of funny (for lack of a better or more appropriate word) what my husband said tonight. He said, so how does someone with ADD write a paper about ADD and not lose focus on writing the paper??? So true, not an excuse, but yet SOOOOO true!!!! But it's in, and I feel good about what I got accomplished today, however I know that my final draft is due next Tuesday and my paper about the female reproductive system for A&P is due next Tuesday too!!!! This is one week school has to come first! Luckily my husband is going on a fishing trip, and my youngest daughter is going to my brothers for the weekends, so I will be able to focus!!! Just to keep my self motivated I'm going to keep reminding myself that this week is Unit 9, so the sooner I get my assignments in, the sooner I can breath a nice slow sigh of relief! ;)

Thanks for stopping by, this tired procrastinator is going to call it a night, after a piece of fudge ;)

Unit 7's Blog

I think I'm losing all control... does that make since? I've had a terrible last couple weeks in my personal life, so my school work has been slipping. I was almost failing my A&P class so I dedicated all my spare time, which is little to no, towards that class, I'm now passing it, but struggling in this class. I don't have confidence as a writer, and really struggle to put the words that are going through my head onto paper, without using very similar words I have read from my research. Both of my classes have papers due by next Tuesday, my kids are out of school for the summer, and I'm starting a new business... but all I really wanna do is sit on my front porch and have a cold one with my husband, but as a struggling student who can afford a cold one? ;)

I need to quit procrastinating, turn in my rough draft and get every ones feed back... I'm going to do that now, wish me luck!!!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

What have I been dealing with the last six weeks???

Every week that I am in school I deal with procrastination, lack of concentration, and wanting to be with my family instead of doing my school work. Hopefully you guys understand what I'm talking about, and don't think, "Wow, she is a terrible student." Especially holiday weekends... LOL! As we speak my husband is sitting here wanting to know when I'm going to be done on the computer, because he wants to spend time with me.

I have been dreading writing my papers for this course, and my A&P course. I chose my topics carefully this time, so that it would help keep my interests alive, however, I lack the confidence in my writing abilities, so therefore I procrastinate. Sigh!

Consider how your ideas about your topic could be influential in later research.

My topic is very interesting to me, probably because of what I said a few weeks ago, I have ADD, and both of my daughters, my Mother, and my Grandmother. So, therefore finding out that exposure to phthalates while in the womb, may be the cause, really is something that I will continue to research even after I'm done with my paper, and even done with this class. I also would like to thank you for bringing this information to my attention.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I just started a new job this week... I'm "self employed" so I will work as much, or as little as I want to. Obviously this will make school more challenging, but being broke is just to hard to do anymore. I'm praying my new "career" will be profitable, and take the least amount of my time, because my family and school still have to come first and second.

I'm frustrated with my Anatomy & Physiology class. I don't think my instructor likes me, or she is just really hard to please. I hope that's not inappropriate to write, but that is a huge academic challenge for me right now. I'm doing great on the exams each week, but my discussion board grades are horrible. What am I doing wrong? One day/grade at a time, right? ;)

I'm wondering how this summer will go. My girls will be home all summer, on summer break, and this will add a lot more distractions to my studies, which I don't need. I am thankful for online learning though, at least I'll be here if they need me, and they won't be stuck here alone, and I won't have to get a million, "When are you going to be home," calls... LOL